In 1981, Woking Junior Snorkelling Club (WJSC) (BSAC 3083) was created by Madeline Baglow and Ted Glithero as part of the National Snorkelling Club (BSAC Sub-Division).
In 1988, the club expanded to create a Scuba
Diving club, but only for those who had
progressed through their snorkel training in
WJSC. The club name Woking Special Branch
(WSB) was created, which brought a new and
our current BSAC Branch Number 1592 along.
Around 1991, The British Sub-Aqua Club (BSAC)
joined with the National Snorkelling Club (NSC)
to just become one overall governing body for
Scuba Diving and Snorkelling in the United
Through 2008 both Woking Junior Snorkelling
Club (WJSC) and Woking Special Branch (WSB)
had a major restructure to become one overall
branch of the British Sub-Aqua Club. This is where
Woking Snorkel and Scuba was created, but we
got to keep the WSB number of B1592.
Further Major milestones:
Active Surrey Bronze Club Accreditation - January 2010
Clubmark Accreditation was achieved in June 2015
Past Instructors:
Madeline Baglow
Ted Glithero
Lesley Flitcroft
Chris Knight
Robin Hoyle
Chris Sellers
Graham Ford
James Ford
Diana Ford
Nic Raimondi
Jackie Booth
Jan Horner
George Heighton
Geoff Davies
Sharen Ramkissoon
Dylan Davies
Darcie Mallaband
Lizzie Ismailova
Pool in the Park,
Woking Park,
Kingfield Rd,
GU22 9BA